CalendarSync 0.9.4

As consultants, you may need to use multiple calendars (2-n). Additionally, you need to keep up with all existing appointments in each of your calendars when you want to make new appointments. This means you have to check each calendar on its own. What we wanted to achieve is a single overview over all events in each of the calendars. Preferably in your primary calendar. There are some commercial / freemium solutions for this (, SyncThemCalendars), but their privacy policy is unclear. Calendar data is not only highly interesting personal data (who participates in which appointment and when?) but also highly interesting from an industrial espionage/targeted advertising perspective. The two third party providers get to see the content of the calendar events. In good appointments, there is a lot of secret and relevant company data in the appointment agenda. To keep track of all the events, we created CalendarSync, which allows the syncing of events without breaking data protection laws and without exposing data to a third party.

Tags calendar cli sync go
License MITL
State stable

Recent Releases

0.9.419 May 2024 04:25 minor feature: lt;h2 gt;Changelog lt;/h2 gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;678d961 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt; Merge pull request lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2230352015" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/inovex/CalendarSync/pull/143/hovercard" href="" gt;#143 lt;/a gt; from inovex/dependabot/go_modules/ lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;f30b4f6 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt; Merge pull request lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2254605178" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/inovex/CalendarSync/pull/145/hovercard" href="" gt;#145 lt;/a gt; from inovex/dependabot/go_modules/ lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt; lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;6afd068 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt; Merge pull request lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="2255657944" data-perm
0.9.305 Apr 2024 17:25 minor feature: 4bb15a6 Merge pull request #116 from inovex/enforce-adapter-interface 98df576 Merge pull request #134 from inovex/dependabot/go_modules/ da62212 Merge pull request #136 from inovex/dependabot/go_modules/ ed6b349 Merge pull request #138 from inovex/dependabot/github_actions/dominikh/staticcheck-action-1.3.1 7c17f57 Merge pull request #140 from inovex/dependabot/go_modules/ 8f4758f Merge pull request #141 from inovex/dependabot/go_modules/ 6380ebe Merge pull request #142 from inovex/dependabot/go_modules/ 89fd38d chore(deps): bump dominikh/staticcheck-action from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 00086d8 chore(deps): bump from 4.2.1 to 4.3.0 1e86be3 chore(deps): bump from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0 76b3e49 chore(deps): bump from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1 5c664a6 chore(deps): bump from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 2d0a485 chore(deps): bump from 0.167.0 to 0.172.0 dda3d48 cleanup: remove unused adapter type variable bedbbff refactor: extract adapter interfaces into subpackage and assert them