GitHub Releases

1bengardner 1bengardner / toshes-quest-ii Python Tkinter RPG v1.1.0 This is the "full version" of Toshe's Quest II (v1.0.0) plus Galijula and Fartooq Hold.
MykhailoLiutov AckeeCZ / TextInputLayout Java Android implementation of TextInputLayout with greater support for outlined boxes v2.0.0 Fixes build error with missing enum value of boxBackgroundMode.
Dimianas Dimianas / ColorText Java A plugin that allows you to write in colored text in books 1.0 en: Use `&` then put the code minecraft color, the plugin will change the color of the written text. ru: Используйте `&` после чего поставьте код minecraft ц�
github-actions[bot] LemurDaniel / BICEP__Naming-Module Bicep This is a POC for implementing consistent naming in Bicep-Modules 1.0.0 ## What's Changed * adding some test workflows by @LemurDaniel in ## New Contributors * @LemurDaniel made their first contribution in h
MicheleCioccarelli MicheleCioccarelli / Dama C++ FTW against nonno v1.2 Now you can play a hopefully bugless dama game between 2 people Included is an Ubuntu 21.04 executable
github-actions[bot] MumetNgoding / itlwm C Intel Wi-Fi Drivers for macOS v2.2.0-alpha ### Disclaimer: ***This alpha version is for testing only.*** It is not ready for daily use and we do not guarantee its usability. If you discovered an issue and you do not have debugging skills, plea
OrzMiku OrzMiku / WebPageGenerator C++ 简易网页编辑与生成系统设计与实现 v1.0.5 ## 更新日志 - v1.0.5 - 重写页面预览逻辑,不再依赖Chrome浏览器 - v1.0.4 - 添加页面预览功能 - 修复部分菜单的返回逻辑 - v1.0.3 - 修复控制台无
MachineUserPTV PTV-Group / clients-data-api C# Clients for the Data API 1.3 Release of clients-data-api 1.3
MachineUserPTV PTV-Group / clients-sequence-optimization-api C# Clients for the Sequence Optimization API 1.5 Release of clients-sequence-optimization-api 1.5
RimuruChan RimuruChan / CustomAgriculture Java 为您提供客制化种子。 1.0-SNAPSHOT **Full Changelog**:
Sid220 Sid220 / Accent-Copier HTML The days of remembering long ALT codes are over with Accent Copier. Copy Anything. v2.0 Accent Copier 2.0 ### It's BIG, it's BOLD, it's Accent Copier v2.0 ## Install ### Regular People Way: 1. Via Chrome Web Store (Chrome/Chromium): [
Tecnio Tecnio / antihaxerman Java An open-sourced anti-cheat solution. 4.0.0
menion asamm / locus-api Kotlin Core library for Android "Locus Map" application. 0.9.51
basti564 basti564 / DreamGrid Java DreamGrid is a launcher designed for Oculus Quest, Pico VR and HTC Vive headsets that supports both official and sideloaded apps and games. v1.1.0 - Introduced rounded icons. - Resolved a potential issue that could result in application crashes. - Optimised wallpapers for improved loading speeds and reduced memory usage. - Implemented support
carlosthe19916 carlosthe19916 / windup-maven-plugin Java Maven plugin for JBoss Windup 5.4.0.Final ## Changelog - 9600f41 🏁 Releasing version 5.4.0.Final - bdad33e Preparing for release ## Contributors We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions: carlosthe19916
clibdev clibdev / YOLO-FaceV2 Jupyter Notebook YOLO-FaceV2: A Scale and Occlusion Aware Face Detector 1.0.0 * Original [Krasjet-Yu/YOLO-FaceV2]( pretrained models. * Converted ONNX models.
github-actions[bot] euaaron / itlwm C Intel Wi-Fi Drivers for macOS - Forked to release unstable alpha build v2.2.0-alpha ### Disclaimer: ***This alpha version is for testing only.*** It is not ready for daily use and we do not guarantee its usability. If you discovered an issue and you do not have debugging skills, plea
tcbegley facultyai / dash-bootstrap-components JavaScript Bootstrap components for Plotly Dash 1.0.3 This is a patch release that fixes a few bugs. Please continue to report any bugs on our [issue tracker](! ### Fixed - Set `cursor:
github-actions[bot] geoid-org / geoid-whitepaper TeX Geoid Whitepaper v0.0.0-wip This is a test release
akasolace ho-dev / HattrickOrganizer Java Assistant for Hattrick online football manager 7.3 # HO! 7.3 Release Notes Latest beta release - the version is feature complete - feedback from early users is welcome latest commit: "#1849 (#1912)" ## Some numbers * 3 commits * 26 files
github-actions[bot] intechstudio / package-figma JavaScript Proof-of-concept package for controlling Figma 0.0.1 Release of the Discord Package for the Grid Editor
kadaan kadaan / nix-installer no-lang Install Nix and flakes with the fast and reliable Determinate Nix Installer, with over a million installs. v0.16.2
github-actions[bot] kartoza / charts Smarty Kartoza Helm charts for Kubernetes common-1.1.0 Common library for ops
kmulvey kmulvey / radeon_exporter Go Prometheus exporter for Radeon (AMD) graphics cards. v1.2.2 ## Changelog * 87e1ff3 get goreleaser working again * 0f8b6e8 update deps
kodless kodless / leek TypeScript Celery Tasks Monitoring Tool 0.5.4 ## What's Changed * Bulk Filtered Tasks Retry by @kodless in **Full Changelog**:
github-actions[bot] longanw / itlwm C Intel Wi-Fi Drivers for macOS v2.2.0-alpha ### Disclaimer: ***This alpha version is for testing only.*** It is not ready for daily use and we do not guarantee its usability. If you discovered an issue and you do not have debugging skills, plea
github-actions[bot] madlib-lang / madmarkdown-parser no-lang Markdown parser for madlib v0.0.3
github-actions[bot] nodegui / nodegui C++ A library for building cross-platform native desktop applications with Node.js and CSS 🚀. React NodeGui : and Vue NodeGui: v0.0.0-latest-master Latest auto release corresponding to commit 9f9e61289bd9ef334e9f0263758fdc594d1c3beb 🔥. To install do: `yarn install
MatinAfzal MatinAfzal / 3DICU Python 3D Infinite Computer Universe v0.0.0-beta The first version of 3DICU. - Built-in 3D Engine + Object reading/loading + Camera/movement + Texture mapping + Lighting - Level Design + Perlin Noise/Shematic generating + Terrain r
LucasMoreirac EndlssNightmare / Knock-Tool Python Knock-Tool is a simple script that automates the process of knocking on ports on a given firewall in order to open a specific port. v1.0.0 ## Features - add the `-p` parameter which the user can list the ports that he wants to send packets - add the `-f` parameter which the user can select the flag he wants to send > Currently th
3d24rd0 coolosos / shelf_packages Dart serve a flutter web app with shelf or dart_frog 1.0.0 **Full Changelog**:
NebulaMods NebulaMods / Old-cSharp-Firewall C# An old half finished c# attack detection app and more for linux release-0.9.1 This is the only release for this: Framework Dependent requires Dotnet 8 runtime to be installed. Framework Independent does not require Dotnet 8 runtime to be installed.
github-actions[bot] DeliriousCooks / uYouEnhanced Logos uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.17.2-3.0.3-(5)
AdminServ keeweb / favicon-worker JavaScript A repository used for KeeWeb's favicon grabber service as a Cloudflare service worker 1.0.0 ## Release Info <sup>(b2700e32-6593-5fb9-bc24-60c54fb15a09)</sup> | Item | Value | | --- | --- | |<sub>SHA256</sub>|<sub>e32eabec5106f512838cae3586f005fd7ac88fd02eb1bd931
Mixces Mixces / Mixces-Animations Java Watered down Minecraft visuals mod. v1.1.0 Initial release :)
Valentine-456 Valentine-456 / KotlinCLISearch Kotlin CLI tool for full-text search written in Kotlin 0.0.1 Features: - indexing of a folder - search within an indexed folder
github-actions[bot] pmkol / openwrt-plus Makefile OpenWrt 云编译定制脚本 v23.05.3-k6.6.29 OpenWrt 23.05 with Kernel 6.6 LTS
systemallica systemallica / morfist Python Multi-target Random Forest implementation that can mix both classification and regression tasks. 0.4.0 Changed: - Upgrade dependencies (this enables supporting python 3.10/3.11/3.12) Internal: - Migrate from poetry to rye for project configuration - Use ruff as linter and formatter - Update Gith
GitPaulo GitPaulo / CombatHeadgear C# Simple FFXIV dalamud plugin to toggle headpiece/visor on in-out of combat 1.0.0
goshander 64mb / kpm-linux TypeScript 🔐 Kaspersky Password Manager for Linux 1.0.0 - first working version with custom styles
github-actions[bot] rishabhkr432 / uYouEnhanced no-lang uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.16.3-3.0.3-(5)
ronnyf ronnyf / homebridge-sonnenbatterie TypeScript A homebridge platform plugin for a Sonnenbatterie API v2 0.0.2 Initial dev release. Added 3 accessories for Production, Consumption, Grid. Added MQTT updates.
maximgrynykha maximgrynykha / winkill PHP ⚙️ Scan & Kill Windows processes in PHP v3.0.16 refactor: cumulative improvements over issues
nigelramsay AddressFinder / addressfinder-ruby Ruby Ruby client gem for AddressFinder v1.11.0 ## What's Changed * Add a batch capability with concurrency for Email Verification * Increase minimum version of Ruby to version 2.7
neop26 neop26 / ubupublic Shell This repository contains installers for getting a fresh Linux Install off the ground v1.0 v1.0 - 06/05/24 Tested to be working on - 23.10 - 24.10
github-actions[bot] greysoh / nextnet TypeScript NextNet is a dashboard to manage port forwarding technologies v0.1.0 # Changelog ## [v0.1.0]( (2024-05-05) **Implemented enhancements:** - \(potentially\) Migrate nix shell to nix flake [\#2](
github-actions[bot] henrotaym / laravel-package-scaffolder PHP Scaffolding laravel package with ease v0.0.1 ### Patch Changes - 01b6ac9: Scaffolding a new laravel package.
RappyTV RappyTV / EJS This is an inofficial remake of v1.4.5 ### 🐛 Bug fixes - #22 Fix wrong display of usernames in og embed for migrated accounts
shadesofdeath shadesofdeath / Twindows C# A small tool to remove Windows 11's Built-in Ads v0.1 <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="screenshot of Twindows" /> </p&g
github-actions[bot] poingstudios / godot-admob-ios Objective-C++ Godot's AdMob Plugin for iOS with support for Mediations. v3.1.1
github-actions[bot] roadster-rs / roadster Rust "Batteries Included" web framework for Rust designed to get you moving fast 🏎️ roadster-v0.1.0 ### Other - Set `publish = false` in the minimal example Cargo.toml - Set `publish = true` in the Cargo.toml - Remove fetch depth of 0 from CI and feature powerset - Automate releases with release-plz
Taxall Taxall / bitwarden-tsv-clients TypeScript Bitwarden client applications (web, browser extension, desktop, and cli) v1.0.0 test
djkelleher djkelleher / ib-docker Python Docker images for Interactive Brokers Gateway and TWS latest-10.29.1d,stable-10.19.2l Gateway Latest 10.29.1d. Build time: 2024-04-29 12:44:29 Gateway Stable 10.19.2l. Build time: 2024-04-08 17:38:25 TWS Latest 10.29.1d. Build time: 2024-04-29 12:44:29 TWS Stable 10.19.2l. Build time:
flakerimi base-go / handler Go Golang HTTP.Handler for graphl-go, with playground and graphiql v.0.0.1 Init with latest graphiql from npm 3.2.0
github-actions[bot] Nick2bad4u / ExplorerPatcher C This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows 22621.3527.65.3_e163f04 Tested on OS builds 22621.3296, 22621.3447, 22621.3527, 22635.3566, 26058.1000, 26120.461, and 26200.5001. (Note: 22621 and 22631 share the same OS files) ##### 1 * Taskbar10: The Windows 10 tas
remotoservicos remotoservicos / dyndns-updater Shell Bash script to update DynDNS domains v0.1.0
justinwu9090 justinwu9090 / Kleptocrat no-lang A steath-type game, VGD Spring 2024 class showcase v1.0
Oi27 Oi27 / SM-ASM C# Data Repointing Utility for Super Metroid Editors SM-ASMv.1.1.1 Fixed hardcoded local paths. ## What's Changed * Update SMASM.cs by @Oi27 in * Update SMASM.cs by @Oi27 in ## N
corbamico corbamico / get-livecaptions-cpp C++ Get real time content of Windows System APP "Live Captions" [win+ctrl+L], write content into file. using c++/winrt, asio v0.1.240505
TrickyFNFexe TrickyFNFexe / MbhvRightClick Java A plugin source code, that you can use to create your own Right Click custom GUIS. V1.0 Operators/<mbhv.admin> permission holders can use this GUI by right clicking on players! You must have the following plugins installed: - Vulcan - Essentials/Any type of Punishment Plugin
IMP1 IMP1 / flowsheet GDScript A spreadsheet meets a flowchart v0.2.0 Initial functionality is done. You can add nodes and links, and have values be calculated. And a test of releasing is necessary.
litongjava litongjava / tio-boot-http-request-handler-demo Java tio-boot-http-request-handler-demo v1.0.0 v1.0.0
mreck mreck / exc C Extended C Library v0.1.0
lgarron cubing / deploy TypeScript Dreamhost-compatible deploys using `bun` and `rsync`. v0.1.0
gl00mm gl00mm / Blasphemous_PSVITA no-lang Patcher in order to make Steam version of Blasphemous playable on PS VITA Blasphemous_PSVITA-alpha.1.1 Some people tried to play with Video settings. This can consume more memory than the default settings, leading to early crashes. Yes, you can expect crashes to happen, but not after 10min of gamepla
github-actions[bot] CoolPeachGaming / uYouEnhanced Logos uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.16.3-3.0.3-(6)
devmatteini devmatteini / dra-tests Shell This repository is used to generate and store assets for `dra` integration tests. 0.1.10 dra-tests release 0.1.10
Tresquel Tresquel / teardown_patcher Rust minecraft resource packs but for teardown 1.0.1 Changes: - Update dependencies - Fix program always asking for the Teardown directory even when it wasn't needed
mark-s mark-s / QnapBackupDecryptor C# A tool to decrypt QNAP NAS encrypted backup files (not sync files) created using the QNAP Hybrid Backup Sync tool. 1.3.0 This will be the last NET 6 release
robriks robriks / nouns-wave-protocol Solidity Wave Protocol is a decentralized system built on top of the Nouns Governance ecosystem to noncustodially and permissionlessly democratize access to the Nouns sphere and lower the barrier of entry so that anyone with a worthy Nouns governance idea may participate and make a difference. v1.1 # Wave Protocol v1.1 beta is now available! ## Rebranded to Wave Protocol ## New event emitted on successful proposal to Nouns governance: `ProposedIdeas(ProposalInfo[] memory proposedIdeas)` ## C
Jaegerl190118 Jaegerl190118 / Collatz-Conjecture-Simulator Rust Simple Rust programm to simulate Collatz conjectures with values within the 128 bit unsigned integer range Version-1.0 Only Linux binaries are attached if you need a version for windows compile it yourself, should work on macOS aswell but no guarantees
winguse winguse / ws-udp Go send udp package through websocket v0.0.2
KieranCanter KieranCanter / FlipReady C++ Rocket League BakkesMod Plugin. Text/gauge bar indicator that displays the status of your air flip/double jump in game. v1.0 This is the very first fully-functioning release of FlipReady! My intention was to create a highly customizable flip indicator for practice usage in free play/exhibition. The built-in flip indicato
ekumagair ekumagair / LavaHit C# Um minigame onde você deve clicar em bolas de lava para jogá-las contra paredes e liberar a sua passagem, tudo enquanto a sua velocidade de movimentação aumenta. Link para build jogável (PC): v1.0 Build jogável. / Playable build.
adrianescutia la-rebelion / apicove-tools TypeScript APICove Tools is a collection of tools to help you build faster and smarter v0.2.0 ## Fetch/API client code generation modes 🧪 **MochaRunner introduced** and Converter boilerplate code in `it` blocks [e12f010](
kumako kumako / bchd Go An alternative full node bitcoin cash implementation written in Go (golang) v0.0.2
ThePython10110 ThePython10110 / better_command_blocks Lua Adds command blocks similar to those of a certain other voxel game v1.0 Initial release
jippi jippi / scm-engine Go SCM Engine allow for easy Merge Request automation within your GitLab projects. v0.0.1
akama-aka akami-solutions / siwft_bot-shop_discord JavaScript A Discord Bot Shop template with Integration 1.0-alpha
ThePython10110 ThePython10110 / better_commands Lua Adds commands and syntax from a certain other voxel game v1.0 Initial release.
nebulazorua nebulazorua / sm-to-fnf Haxe converts sm files to legacy fnf charts 1.0 yeah!! command line tool open it in cmd and basic usage is SMtoFNF [smPath] [difficulty] {applyOffsetToNotes} if applyOffsetToNotes is optional and if its f, then the SM file's #OFFSET data
wilsonmcdade wilsonmcdade / tunnelvision HTML Source code for Tunnelvision: RIT's Overlooked Art Museum v0.3 Updated About page Tags are live DB Interface is now using SQLAlchemy
JacobSeedorff21 JacobSeedorff21 / fastbackward R Fast backward elimination R package V1.0.0 Creating fastbackward R package which has similar syntax to step, but performs backward elimination with a bounding algorithm which allows it to be faster.
PARTYMANX PARTYMANX / partymod-thps2 C A modernization patch for THPS2 on PC v1.0.1 * Added more robust logging (that also works around driver bugs on AMD graphics?? i'm very skeptical of this fix...), including configurable logging to file * Removed hardcoded bind of X/Ollie t
MateuszKubuszok MateuszKubuszok / scala-cli-md-spec Scala Turn your markdown docs into test suites running Scala CLI 0.0.1 Initial version with functionality ported from
JemJemGermanie JemJemGermanie / skills-release-based-workflow JavaScript My clone repository v0.9
maxsatula maxsatula / with-oracle JavaScript Simple interface to run oracle queries v1.0.1
FHLorup FHLorup / helm-mapkubeapis Go This is a Helm plugin which map deprecated or removed Kubernetes APIs in a release to supported APIs v0.4.10 ## Changelog * 568a684 Update version
slashtechno slashtechno / llmail Python Interact with Large Language Models (LLMs) via email. v0.1.0 Initial release Whilst right now the program isn't too efficient, it is working. A new release with a variety of improvements, including changing the model name and improving speed, will be av
n-wilbanks n-wilbanks / FFXIV-Job-Randomizer Python A randomizer for selecting a job in FFXIV to play when you can't decide. 1.0 Pre-Dawntrail release of the randomizer. Although fully finished, I will add Pictomancer and Viper upon their release.
github-actions[bot] QueriumCorp / smarter-cli Go Smarter multi-platform command-line interface 0.0.1
rhystic01 rhystic01 / java_sir Java Visualization and simulation of epidemic spread using SIR model in Java v1.0.0-beta Missing major features from project specification: - Generate and show graphs as the simulation is running - Ability to pause and resume simulation, instead of stopping it completely always
github-actions[bot] abelazo / semantic-release_poc no-lang PoC to semantically release based on Conventional Commits v1.0.0 # 1.0.0 (2024-05-05) ### Bug Fixes * **semantic-release:** Add NPM_TOKEN ([d88fff2]( * **semantic-re
apainintheneck apainintheneck / stdio Crystal A small Crystal library for capturing standard I/O streams. v1.0.0 ## What's Changed * Update for crystal 1.x.x by @apainintheneck in ## New Contributors * @apainintheneck made their first contribution in https
Maorku Maorku / PizzaClient no-lang Current latest legitimate version of PizzaClient v2.4.1
FleeLive FleeLive / FL-vMenu C# A custom version of the server sided trainer - vMenu by Vespura. This edition removes the white text at the top of the menus. v1.0 This is an edit to the server sided trainer, vMenu, created by Vespura. This edit removes the white text at the top of the vMenu, allowing for clear viewing of menu backgrounds.
zach2039 zach2039 / vs-toolworksadditions C# A Vintage Story mod that includes patches and additional functionality to Crupette's Toolworks mod. v1.19.x-1.0.0 - Initial release
isbm tinythings / microhop Rust Initramfs in Rust to handle mainline kernels on embedded/tiny installations 0.0.5
astrovrmods astrovrmods / BepInLoader no-lang Remade from the ground up mod installer for the PC version of Gorilla Tag. 2.0.0 Made the UI way better and not like a 2012 windows app.
Synesso cashapp / kfsm Kotlin Finite state machinery in Kotlin kfsm-0.4.0 introduced a new API that uses Kotlin native types and does not include Arrow as a dependency. The original lib is renamed lib-arrow.
Tantares Tantares / TantaresSP no-lang Soviet space probes for KSP v6.0 Tantares Space Probes / TantaresSP Version 6.0 - 2MV, 3MV Probe (e.g. Venera-8). - Bugfixes. Place the TantaresSP folder into KSP/GameData to use. Have fun! TantaresSP is distributed under a
GMatrixGames GMatrixGames / UnrealSaveDumper C# A user-friendly CLI program to dump Unreal Engine 4/5 Save files to json. 1.1 **Full Changelog**: This release includes: - Update CUE4Parse, which is used for parsing object data. - Skip parsing of the SaveGameOb
github-actions[bot] viral32111 / xml Rust XML parser crate for my Rust projects. 0.1.0 This is the 1st release test from the GitHub Actions CI/CD workflow. This release includes a rudimentary XML parser.
github-actions[bot] pablo-aviles-prieto / pinta2-backend TypeScript Pinta2 backend using NodeJS v0.0.1 ## What's Changed ### Chore Updates - :green_book: Add github workflow and dockerfile (
Ace4896 Cloverpad / cloverpad-mx-firmware-rs Rust Rust-based firmware for the Cloverpad MX, a 3-key mechanical keypad for osu! 1.0.0 Initial release. Keybindings are `Z`, `X` and `C`.
chialunwu chialunwu / berlin-auslanderbehorde-termin-bot Python The bot that helps you book an appointment from v1.0.0
RodriguezJose92 RodriguezJose92 / colchonesFantasia JavaScript Componente Mudi v1.0.10 update fatherContainer
gritse gritse / mongo-lock C# Exclusive distributed lock library for C#/.NET using MongoDB v2.1.0 * IAcquire now implements IAsyncDisposable * MongoDB.Driver updated to 2.25.0
lubber-de fomantic / gulp-git JavaScript Git plugin for gulp ( 2.11.1 ## 2.11.1 - updated dependencies - removed lodash.template - fixed tests
fidarit fidarit / cs2-DoubleJump C# DoubleJump mod for CS2 v1.0.1 - fixed a possible memory leak **Full Changelog**:
eed3si9n sbt / io Scala IO module for sbt v1.10.0 The JAR should be same as ## behind the scene * Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in **Full Chan
shaomeng NCAR / H5Z-SPERR C HDF5 Plugin for the SPERR Compressor v0.1.0 Initial release of H5Z-SPERR.
xob0t xob0t / mmparser Python Скрапер/парсер v.0.5.1
Malino33shop Malino33shop / Yeezy-700v2 no-lang New design yeezy 700v3 v1.0.0 [](url) men women 700 Alvah Running Shoes Azael Arzareth Kyanite Fade Salt Carbon Analog Blue Tint Granite Brown Clay Ash Grey Geode 700s mens trainer Get coupon $1
github-actions[bot] OAK-Foundation / avs-mvp Go a mvp to demonstrate how to use eigenlayer v0.0.1-alpha1 # Announcements - Initial alpha release for holesky testnet only - Functionality focus on register and onboard operator into AVS # Changes - Self onboarding operator into AVS.
github-actions[bot] viral32111 / stomp Rust STOMP client crate for my Rust projects. 0.1.2 This is the 3rd release test from the GitHub Actions CI/CD workflow. The previous two tests (`0.1.0`, `0.1.1`) did not succeed thus this is the first *published* release. This release includes a fu
Vladuken Vladuken / mockk-test-generator Kotlin IDEA Plugin for creation Boilerplate test code for Mockk v0.1 Basic version that supports: - generate boilerplate test code for help with Mockk library - generate `prepare***()` method as extension of `TestScope` - unwrap `kotlin.Lazy` and `dagger.Lazy` when
Gitonizer Gitonizer / DMJ C# A repository that follows DMJ classes v0.1.0 First release of game: Implemented features: - Proc gen; - Combat: - Spell based combat; - Type effectiveness; - You can swap your own type on the fly; - Save feature: - Game keeps t
InTheMorning InTheMorning / i3pystatus Python A complete replacement for i3status 3.35
abiiranathan abiiranathan / fn Go fn provides functional programming utilities in Go v1.0.0 Initial version
thehapyone thehapyone / Sage Python Sage is a versatile AI assistant designed to enhance your data interaction experience within a container environment. It provides a user-friendly conversational interface for accessing and manipulating data from various sources, all through a simple configuration file. 0.0.6 ## What's Changed * feat: migrate to using LiteLLM for LLM and Embedding as backbone by @thehapyone in * Remove codensense question no retreiver by @t
hustleroleplayid hustleroleplayid / ROBI-TV-PRO no-lang Aplikasi TV Mobile ( AFK ) V.2.4 { "versionCode": 540, "versionName": "v2.4", "changelog": ["iptv-org as default playlist", "app in landscape mode", "ffm
hoffmannmatheus hoffmannmatheus / zed Python A friendly LLM command line assistant, based on ChatGPT 0.0.1 Initial `zed` version, with basic functionality working!
huqedato huqedato / QAI-Rephraser JavaScript Chrome extension for rephasing text with AI v.2.0.0
joe-at-startupmedia joe-at-startupmedia / golang-ipc Go Golang Inter-process communication library for Window, Mac and Linux. v2.0.0 * Removes supports for Windows * Removes Encryption * Adds Actor struct and interface for stuct inheritance and code reuse * Add debugability
rcnoob rcnoob / CS2-SimplerAdmin C# A de-bloated build of CS2-SimpleAdmin v1.0.0 Initial release Removes common incompatibilities with other plugins
lyaguxafrog lyaguxafrog / passal HTML Современный менеджер паролей. v0.1.3 ## What's Changed * FEAT Проект перенесен с Next.js на React by @talkingmachine in * FEAT Загрузка списка паро
enchant97 enchant97 / swarm-assist Rust A unified command line interface for managing a Docker Swarm cluster. v0.1.0 **Full Changelog**:
akomalifour akomalifour / Forza-horizon-5-mod-menu JavaScript forza forza-horizon forza-horizon-5 fh5 forza-cheat forza-hack forza-horizon-hack forza-horizon-5-cheat forza-horizon-5-hack forza-horizon-5-spoofer forza-horizon-5-credits fh5-cheat fh5-hack forza-horizon-5-server forza-horizon-5-money forza-undetected forza-horizon-5-xpeditor fh5-xpeditor fh5-trainer forza-horizon-5-trainer mod-menu-v3.45 mod-menu v3.45 **Full Changelog**:
w0rm w0rm / embedded-mogeefont Rust Pixel font for embedded-graphics 0.1.0 Initial release with full ASCII range support!
github-actions[bot] Its-Jas / uYouEnhanced no-lang uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.16.3-3.0.3-(1)
github-actions[bot] jochumdev / Massively-Source JavaScript Massively-Source, a text-heavy, article-oriented theme based on Source for Ghost. v0.0.1
TheodoreMeyer TheodoreMeyer / Java_Setheria-Mod no-lang This is the main minecraft-mod im working on v1.1.0 release of the mod itself.
cewertz cewertz / skills-release-based-workflow JavaScript My clone repository v0.9
Seif-Sallam Seif-Sallam / Watcher Python Simple file watcher for easier compiling/running fast paced developed code v1.0.0 The first release with windows binaries (not signed). **Full Changelog**:
gnarlyman gnarlyman / borderx Python a simple tool for making windows become borderless fullscreen v0.1.4
AliBelali AliBelali / HaproxyDocker Dockerfile Original Page: v2.9.7 SSH Enabled default user is root a sample config file is added
angryzor angryzor / sonic-frontiers-character-normalizer C++ Fills in missing parameters for other characters v0.1.0 The first version!
angryzor angryzor / sonic-frontiers-playable-extra-characters C++ Lets you play with Amy, Knuckles and Tails in other gamemodes! v0.1.0 The first version!
flowersinthedaark flowersinthedaark / trickytrialsvote_trio no-lang A trio of origins based on the 2023 Minecraft Mob Vote candidates for the just-announced-at-the-time Tricky Trials update v1.0-20.2 The initial release of the three origins as a combined pack. The 20.2 on the end is how I'll be keeping track of minecraft version in combination with the datapack version.
vikranthg02 vikranthg02 / angular-testing TypeScript Created with StackBlitz ⚡️ releasv2.0
suyash01 suyash01 / credit-manager Kotlin Android app to manage your credit cards and EMIs v1.0.10 v1.0.10
LukasDano LukasDano / arbeitszeitrechner JavaScript Webbased Anwendung zur Arbeitszeitberechnung v2.3
K1yoshiSho K1yoshiSho / approval_tests_dart Dart Approval Tests implementation in Dart 0.0.5-dev First working version, need to expand functionality and add more flexibilty. Also need to add more tests.
VladRodionov VladRodionov / carrot Assembly CarrotDB is Redis ( - compatible in memory data type store, which provides better memory utilization (5x times on average), easy way to enhance its functionality via custom co-processors, filters, aggregations and functions (stored procedures). 0.3
cadenlalley cadenlalley / ITSC4155_MDSp24_Group11 JavaScript Sweat Rivals is a nutrition and fitness web application focusing on accountability and fun through competing with friends! v1.0.0 This is the first "release" of the SweatRivals: an application developed in the Software Engineering Capstone Course at UNCC in 2024! Features: * [x] Leaderboard / Home Page * [x] Fr
github-actions[bot] Snipzy69 / uYouEnhanced no-lang uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.17.2-3.0.3-(1)
MicSG-dev MicSG-dev / EthernetLarge C++ Ethernet library for Arduino with compatibility for SSLClient library 2.0.2 ## What's Changed - Changes synchronized with the [Ethernet Arduino Library]( version [2.0.2](
1p22geo 1p22geo / ai-mono HTML Tiny monorepo contAIning all my AI projects. audiorag_v1.0 Initial release of AudioRAG. Other files are not relevant, they are other projects.
alerque projectfluent / fluent-rs Rust Rust implementation of Project Fluent fluent-bundle@0.15.3 Release fluent-bundle 0.15.3 - This is a 'safe harbor' release prior to bringing on non-Mozilla community maintainers - Implement `From<&String>` for `FluentValue` - Add `FluentVa
BlossomiShymae BlossomiShymae / barcodes Rust Display your pride in the terminal. 0.1.0 Initial release.
github-actions[bot] skymen / ogl_c3 JavaScript C3 addon that implements OGL skymen_ogl-
Wadoo69 Wadoo69 / ScuffedClicker C# A really simple Minecraft autoclicker. Keybind can be set and the clicking is randomised based on the selected CPS. v.1.0.0 ### This is the first and last release.
github-actions[bot] cheesesticksstarwars / uYouEnhanced Logos uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.16.3-3.0.3-(6)
github-actions[bot] cda-tum / fiction C++ An open-source design automation framework for Field-coupled Nanotechnologies v0.6.0 ## 👀 What's Changed We keep saying that but this latest release of *fiction* is the biggest one yet :muscle: It is packed with another year of research and marks a milestone on our mission
AndNovAtor AndNovAtor / templateswitcher PHP Плагин переключения шаблона c очисткой некоторого кэша 2.7-j4
jasozh CornellDataScience / sketchy Jupyter Notebook Turning images into coloring book pages with infinite resolution. v0.1 Add binary file for Linux.
github-actions[bot] pablo-aviles-prieto / pinta2-frontend TypeScript Pinta2 frontend using Vite + React + TS v0.0.1 ## What's Changed ### Chore Updates - :green_book: Add github workflow and dockerfile (
Kooperlol Kooperlol / Blockify Java A client-sided block library for Minecraft 1.0.0-beta
sindresorhus imagemin / imagemin-svgo JavaScript SVGO plugin for imagemin v11.0.0 ### Breaking - Require Node.js 18 69d8cea - Update svgo from v2 to [v3](
Technicfan Technicfan / pysort Python small script that sorts an array with multible algorithms v1.0.0 First release of binarys one for windows and one for linux build using pyinstaller
milkyroute milkyroute / Markweb C++ A literate programing tool based on markdown, currently for C++ only. v0.1 Markweb 0.1 only contains the "tangle" part of the program for now, so it doesn't create documentation yet, only the source code. Features : - Create source code from Markweb file
github-actions[bot] stride3d / stride-docs PowerShell This repository hosts the source code for the Stride documentation. Contributors can follow the build instructions provided to run the website locally. Release notes for <!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at master --> ## What's Changed ### 🏋🏽 Community Resources * Add Community R
Nyrrell Nyrrell / tgtg-notifier TypeScript Too Good To Go - Notifier 1.1.11 ## What's Changed * Fix ntfy authorization header by @jornetsimon in ## New Contributors * @jornetsimon made their first contribution in https
eldruin ryankurte / embedded-hal-compat Rust Rust embedded-hal inter-version compatibility layer v0.13.0 ### Added - Updated to `embedded-hal` version `1.0.0`. ### Changed - Swapped to `RefCell` based `reverse_cell()` for OutputPin backwards compatibility. - Update MSRV to 1.73.
williamdes wdes / ipmitool-dcmi-power-reading Rust ipmitool dcmi power reading in Rust v1.0.0 - The first working version
graham22 ClassicDIY / ModbusAdapter C++ Converts Serial Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP over WIFI V2.2.0
Rohit-Satyam Rohit-Satyam / HiCFlow Nextflow A nextflow pipeline for HIC Data analysis v0.1.0 This is the first test release of HiCFlow a nextflow pipeline using JuicerTools.
7gxycn08 7gxycn08 / WinGetCreateGui Python Unofficial Gui for WinGetCreate. v1.0 First Release. Feel free to open an Issue if there is a problem. ``` Name: WinGetCreateGui-win64.rar Size: 23129346 bytes (22 MiB) SHA256: 8ea85753c7e84e38502dd522b84ad8ffe46b6da9e6bf9eb41b
peter-stehlik inovative-sk / search-tools PHP The WordPress plugin provides tools to boost the search experience. Extends search with post types, meta data, taxonomies, authors and collects statistics. v1.0.1 Update 'Tested up to' and add screenshots to WP repo.
Serkali-sudo Serkali-sudo / AI_Image_Editor Java An Android client app that allows you to edit images using AI inpainting models. v1.0
SyphonArch SyphonArch / flash1dkmeans Python An optimized K-means implementation for the one-dimensional case v0.1.0
tundranerd febiosoftware / FEBioReleaseActions C++ FEBio Suite Solver v4.6.1 v4.6.1 test
github-actions[bot] sandre58 / MyNetWpf C# This library is a comprehensive class library designed to simplify the implementation of common GUI functionalities in .NET applications. v1.0.0
liuyaocool liuyaocool / jslib JavaScript my js lib 1.0
418Coffee 418Coffee / hetzner-k3s-flux-template Dockerfile An opionated template for a K3s cluster implementing GitOps through Flux on Hetzner Cloud v0.0.9
GoulvenF open4good / spring-boot-starter-xwiki Java A Xwiki Spring Starter, allowing authentication delegation and content retrieval 0.0.1
zhuyuezhan zhuyuezhan / Neumify TypeScript React Neumorphism Style Components Library v0.0.1
franke333 franke333 / 2Sides C# Team project in Unity for course NCGD001 at MFF UK v0.6-alpha **Controls**: - WASD - Movement - Left/Right Mouse button- Left/Right hand activation - LShift - Sprint - LCtrl - Crouch - Q/E - Throw item in left/right hand - Alt+F4 - Quit App **Full Chang
github-actions[bot] JairajJangle / react-native-tree-multi-select TypeScript Super-fast tree view with multi-selection capabilities, using checkboxes and search filtering. 1.2.3 See the [changelog]( for details.
Neylz Neylz / CEEWC GLSL Custom Elytra Even With Capes - permits to use custom elytra textures even when the player is wearing a cape 1.0.0 Contains the vanilla elytra texture.
GerlariMin GerlariMin / PokeDraw SCSS La page Web permet d'avoir un aperçu du design authentique des Pokémons de la première génération, avec quelques informations basiques sur ceux-ci. En complément, le site propose de tirer au sort un item, afin d'accompagner le Pokémon. Le but: dessiner le Pokémon souhaité avec l'item tiré au sort! 1.0.0 Première version du projet. Consulter le [changelog]( **Full Changelog**:
MemesGit MemesGit / The-JavaScript-Database JavaScript Учебный проект, не пользуйтесь информацией отсюда как достоверным источником! 0.1 #Тоби свободен?В теории да Финальная версия на взгляд автора база данных
qbhy qbhy / goal-piplin Go 简单实用的部署工具。Simple and practical deployment tool. 1.0
github-actions[bot] iepn / Tsing Beef Tsing | 清 v1.0.0 ## 1.0.0 (2024-05-05) ### Features * add ^ font and new font name ([8be9767]( * add 0~9 number font ([28f32a1](https:/
serkanyilmaz8 serkanyilmaz8 / WebScrapping Python Web Mining Class Codes v1.0
LordOfDragons LordOfDragons / vscode-langext-dragonscript TypeScript Visual Studio Code DragonScript Language Extension v2.0.0 Release with language server support: - Provide Diagnostics - Show Code Completion Proposals - Show Hovers - Help With Function and Method Signatures - Show Definitions of a Symbol - Find All Re
Darkness-Monster Darkness-Monster / 2d-platformer-controller C# Simple implementation of a 2D platformer character controller using raycasts for smooth and precise input and movement v1.0.0
derpicknicker1 fabianonline / OctoPrint-Telegram Python Plugin for octoprint to send status messages and receive commands via Telegram messenger. 1.6.6 ## What's Changed * Adds pre-commit-hooks by @FranciscodeMaussion in * Expose User and Owner variables for events by @slvrpdr in http
Oreeeee Oreeeee / TouhouXP C Patcher for TH17 and TH18 executables (trial and full) to run on unmodified Windows XP 1.1 Make the patcher guided ![patcher](
rdinizcal ros-rvft / HTML This repository collects guidelines that can help developers and QA teams when developing, verifying or testing their ROS-based robots in the field. v1.0.0 ## ROS-RVFT: Runtime Verification and Field Testing Guidelines for ROS-base Robotic Systems **Description:** This release offers a comprehensive set of guidelines to empower developers and QA team
jandrus jandrus / rtwo Rust Ollama CLI tool in Rust. Used to query and manage ollama server v0.1.1 Initial Release
mgrybyk mgrybyk-org / allure-report-branch-action TypeScript Allure Report with history per branch v1.4.3 ## What's Changed * transfer from mgrybyk to mgrybyk-org by @mgrybyk in **Full Changelog**:
TannerLow TannerLow / JavaMatrixMath Java Simple matrix library that includes GPU support via JOCL for extremely fast computations. 0.0
mgrybyk mgrybyk-org / allure-report-branch-js-action TypeScript Allure Report with history per branch (JS) v1.4.3 ## What's Changed * transfer from mgrybyk to mgrybyk-org by @mgrybyk in **Full Changelog**:
qbit qbit / widdler HTML A WebDAV server for TiddlyWikis v1.2.5 ## Changelog * c144ba2 default ReadHeaderTimeout to ReadTimeout
dkishere go-preform / squirrel no-lang Fluent SQL generation for golang v1.5.4-fast Skip using map builder
etchnight etchnight / siyuan TypeScript A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang. v3.0.12-win7
mr-gulin mr-gulin / nextjs SCSS NextJS starter project v1.0.0 The first release of this really-ready-to-use next.js starter includes: * Configured ESLint and Prettier * Configured Stylelint * Configured fonts and meta (ready to use, just change the font and
aleksejalex aleksejalex / PyPEF Jupyter Notebook materials for the course "Python as a tool of a modern student" ver.0.2 **Full Changelog**:
Alvorada9999 Alvorada9999 / dont_trust C Secure one-to-one communication, opsec focused 1.0.0 This release is targeted at fedora 39, if that don't suits your needs, refer to the building instructions, it's fairly easy to build and use. See the installation section of the README to
mgrybyk mgrybyk-org / html-trend-report-action TypeScript Publish Report with history per branch v1.2.3 ## What's Changed * change org from mgrybyk to mgrybyk-org by @mgrybyk in **Full Changelog**:
mgrybyk mgrybyk-org / git-commit-pull-push-action TypeScript Github Action to run git add, git commit, git pull and git push v1.2.5 ## What's Changed * transfer org from mgrybyk to mgrybyk-org by @mgrybyk in **Full Changelog**:
Tomaz-Vieira kreshuklab / bioimg_rs Rust A rust implementation of bioimage spec parser v0.1.0 The first release of the Bioimg native model builder GUI app. Supports almost all fields of the bioimg spec with real-time validation. Missing still are postprocessing, sample images and model weig
Eurydia Eurydia / project-structogram-builder-online TypeScript An online Nassi-Shneiderman diagram builder using C-style code. v2.0.3 ## What's Changed * added option to share diagram as iframe by @Eurydia in * Implemented adaptive sizing for if-else block b
samanazadi1996 samanazadi1996 / Sam.CleanArchitecture C# ASP Dotnet Core Clean Architecture 8.0.0 Create v8.0.0
wfxey wfxey / Destor Python Destor is Minecraft Software that works in Python! v0.1 # Destor v0.1 This is the first pre-release from Destor. ![DTGIF]( Discord :
alejsanc alejsanc / ball-and-paddle BASIC Ball and paddle Commodore 64 BASIC game 1.0
fahadahammed fahadahammed / dummyapp Python The purpose of this app to be used to demonstrate different deployment and CI/CD scenario with scalable test case handling and trials. v1.0.1 **Full Changelog**:
Malagurti Neural-Pulse / neurosynth-ui TypeScript Neurosynth UI is a component library for Neural Pulse Products v1.12.1 ## What's Changed * Style color pallete change by @Malagurti in * Unit tests implementation by @Malagurti in
asoji devOS-Sanity-Edition / StackCalc no-lang Minecraft mod that calculates item quantities in stacks. v0.0.2 - Updates all Fabric dependencies to work on 1.20.6
xap3y xap3y / SpiGUI Java A comprehensive GUI API for Spigot with pages support. v1.3.1
Ayx03 Ayx03 / QFIL no-lang Qualcomm Flash Image Loader 名称: 大小: 5696794 字节 (5563 KiB) CRC32: 5DB6BE07 CRC64: 8C9591D0B0318DA2 SHA256: 82b63f63e27b665e02b16149c16c0b3e6ebae09a09d9a409c7b74573b899b0c9
holomodular-support holomodular / ServiceBricks-Security C# ServiceBricks Security Microservice - Centralized security for managing application access v1.0.5 * Full source code release with V1.0.5
artydev artydev / artistic Python TextToImage creation v1.0 Première version basique mais finctionelle
malnaanah malnaanah / coleeg no-lang Coleeg is an open-source initiative for facilitating EEG signal classification using neural networks. 3.1
rado-boydev ezappslab / laravel-evolver PHP Manage installation and upgrade sequences through a series of actions v0.0.10 Some minor updates and fixes
benhughes benhughes / OmniToggl JavaScript A omnifocus plugin to seamlessly start toggl timers from inside OmniFocus 1.2.0 Updates Library to use toggl API V9 Thanks to @sho7650 for the PR
MathisBurger MathisBurger / challenges Kotlin A minecraft plugin that provides some fun minecraft challanges v1.1.0 **Full Changelog**:
numanvrl numanvrl / Insighters Python A Web Mining Project about scrapping data v1.0 All the data we are currently be able to scrape through the website
cjayride cjayride / HotbarSwitch_Fork C# Fork of aedenthorn/HotbarSwitch for v0.217.46+ Switches hotbar row with a hotkey press. v0.3.0 # v0.3.0 - Removed terminal reload - Added compatibility for v0.217.46
sindresorhus imagemin / imagemin-cli JavaScript Minify images seamlessly v8.0.0 ### Breaking - Require Node.js 18 44ee151 ### Improvements - Update dependencies 44ee151
Ayx03 Ayx03 / jpcs no-lang 键盘测试 Keyboard Test jpcs jpcs_v1.0.exe 名称: jpcs_v1.0.exe 大小: 565248 字节 (552 KiB) CRC32: 358AED52 CRC64: F059813D17D175A9 SHA256: dce849b92b4b4bc1ce41facb2e2e77882b87ce863cfbfa7de29b4ede2452e51c SHA1: 48eefc7ba45e194fe2838b
PradeepReddy-Baireddy pradeepreddymacha / TechTrack Java System resources monitoring application v1.0.0 [](
d-chante d-chante / diviner-tools Python Tools for pre-processing Diviner RDR LVL 1 data v1.0.0 Initial release
jcottam jcottam / masonry JavaScript :love_hotel: Cascading grid layout plugin v4.0.0 * esmExternals (015b6c5) * compiled ES bundle (3708b51) * recompiled bundle (e82232a) * added releaseit (4f269b8) * initial commit (79ae200)
Safairette Safairette / CombatExtended C# Combat Extended mod for RimWorld v1.5 A precompiled build of the CE beta as of 05.05.24
sindresorhus imagemin / imagemin JavaScript [Unmaintained] Minify images seamlessly v9.0.0 ### Breaking - Require Node.js 18 0f2a0aa
quachpas quachpas / PowerToys-Run-EdgeWorkspaces C# PowerToys Run Plugin for launching Edge Workspaces v1.0.0 **Full Changelog**:
grasmash grasmash / yaml-expander PHP Expands internal property references in a yaml file. 3.0.3 ## What's Changed * #27: Allow 7.x release of symfony/yaml. by @vishalkhode1 in ## New Contributors * @vishalkhode1 made their first contrib
Dark-life944 Dark-life944 / PPPwn-Android Python PPPwn - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE v1.1 # PPPwn - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE PPPwn is a kernel remote code execution exploit for PlayStation 4 up to FW 11.00. This is a proof-of-concept exploit for [CVE-2006-4304](
theolaos tl-ecosystem / tleng Python A 2D game engine that supports python and C++. v2.0-beta > This version is being released only to archive the 2.0 beta. To run the engine you need to copy the `` from the `.zip` to your project. After that type ```python import tleng2 ```
n7gonzalez n7gonzalez / switch Jupyter Notebook A Modern Platform for Planning High-Renewable Power Systems v2.0.0 This repository contains the SWITCH electricity planning model adapted for the REAM research lab.
github-actions[bot] kaaveland / eugene Rust Careful With that Lock, Eugene 0.1.0 ## What's Changed * Add some github actions to pull requests by @kaaveland in * Add markdown lock trace report by @kaaveland in
wwang721 wwang721 / Numerical-Recipes-CPP C++ Adapt some utilities from the book "Numerical Recipes in C" to C++. v1.0.0 **Full Changelog**:
mxochicale mxochicale / real-time-ai-for-surgery-with-NVIDIA-Holoscan-platform Lua real-time ai assistance for surgery v0.1.0 This version mainly contains a template of files that can be used for future quarto slides. See commits history of [PR#2](
henrygd henrygd / social-image-server Go Self-hosted server for generating social / open graph images v0.0.1 ## Changelog * 7357632 DATA_DIR env variable * faea256 add dockerfile / docker-compose * afc7660 add gh workflows * a6c1fea add key option to bust cache for url * 13365a0 add license * e8a59ca add por
eliooooooo eliooooooo / WriteMyCommits JavaScript A vscode extension for generating commits that comply with the conventional commits standard. 1.2 # Write My Commits v.1.2 - add new type of commits - add modified files display
rizkiheryandi uasoft-indonesia / badaso-docker Dockerfile Docker image for badaso starter server v8.1.0
jan-bures jan-bures / Senpai C# One last UwU for the death of KSP2 v1.0.0 wet's c-cewebwate ksp2 and mouwn its death with an uwu
drthgeiger drthgeiger / qemu-stdvga-miniport C Windows NT miniport driver for QEMU/std-vga adapter supporting high resolutions using software-rendering v1.6.2 First public release of the Windows NT miniport driver port to QEMU/std-vga. For convenience a floppy disk image is provided which can be used to install this driver in all supported versions of Wi
hbersey hbersey / floating-ui-rs Rust Floating UI rust bindings v0.0.1
Chaoses-Ib Chaoses-Ib / IbInputSimulator C++ A library for simulating keyboard and mouse input with drivers v0.4.0 ### New features - Add support for [MouClassInputInjection]( e.g. `IbSendInit("MouClassInputInjection", 1, process_id)` - AHK: S
daryltt daryltt / action-flutter-build-android no-lang github action to build flutter apps for the android platform v1.1
github-actions[bot] Houseoflight / uYouEnhanced no-lang uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.16.3-3.0.3-(3)
GoaFan77 GoaFan77 / Enhanced4XModRepo HLSL Repository for the latest version of the Enhanced 4X Mod. 1.88
Dome309 Dome309 / YT-MediaDownloader Python Python application that enables users to easily download YouTube videos as either MP4 or MP3 files v0.1.0 # YT-MediaDownloader v0.1.0 Release Notes This version it's a simple tool for fetching media from YouTube. Below are the highlights of this release: ## Key Features: 1. **YouTube Video Dow
sthivaios kioydiolabs / imgal Python A program for generating simple HTML picture libraries/galleries. 1.0.0 Initial release of Imgal. Includes python script and templates. **Full Changelog**:
jhakulin jhakulin / azureai-assistant-tool Python The Azure AI Assistant Tool is experimental Python application and middleware designed to simplify the development, experimentation, testing, and debugging of OpenAI assistants. v0.3.2-alpha ## Purpose - Add AI client keyword arguments for client classes to enable different authentication methods - Fix conversation thread creation for ChatAssistantClient to not use attachments as they a
jedwards1211 jcoreio / clarity-feature-toolkit TypeScript development and deploy CLI for custom Clarity features @jcoreio/clarity-feature-api-v2.0.0 # [2.0.0]( (2024-05-02) * fix!: change customFeatureAssetRoute pattern, make contributes.client optional ([bdc3595](https://
github-actions[bot] mizzunet / memos-binary-arm64 Shell Automatically build memos binaries v0.21.0
GraysonBellamy ulfsri / pyOMRON Python Python API for acquisition and control of OMRON G3PW Power Controller v0.0.2 Initial API release
qwint qwint / ap-shahrazad Python An Archipelago meta-game which logically locks a list of slots behind 'start' items in the multiworld 0.1.0
GraysonBellamy ulfsri / pyGascard Python Python API for acquisition and control of Edinburgh Sensors Gascard v0.0.2 Initial API release
KhonsuDevelopment khonsu-development / once Kotlin A small Android library to manage one-off operations. 1.0 **Full Changelog**:
Karewan Karewan / KnHttpJs JavaScript Javascript HTTP client for the browser. 1.0.8 * Added HTTT PUT methods * Added a proper DocBlock for all methods
calliope-net calliope-net / mkc-63 TypeScript Maker Kit Car mit Calliope v3 fernsteuern (Empfänger Servo, 2 Motoren) v0.0.1
calliope-net calliope-net / mkc-sender-41 TypeScript Maker Kit Car fernsteuern (Sender mit Joystick) v0.0.1
spikeyamk spikeyamk / ESP32_AD5933 C++ Human skin impedance measurement over Bluetooth Low Energy v0.1.12 -
GraysonBellamy ulfsri / pyAlicat Python Python API for acquisition and control of Alicat mass flow meters and controllers. v0.0.2 Bug fixes and add DAQ class
randhana randhana / SerialGUIConnector C# SerialGUIConnector is a simple C# program that helps you talk to devices using serial ports, like Arduino or other microcontrollers. It gives you buttons and text boxes to easily send and receive data. v1.0 **Full Changelog**:
denisjose denisjose / mywebsite HTML Curso Udemy Andre Iacono v1.0.0.0 O site está pronto.
iPmartNetwork iPmartNetwork / PPTP-L2TP-IPSec-VPN-auto-install-CentOS-7 Shell نصب پروتکل ها بصورت اتوماتیک از طرق بش اسکریپت 1.0.1 Bug Fix
adabalap adabalap / SocialMediaBot Python The "SocialMediaBot" is a configurable bot designed to fetch quotes from an AI service and post them on Twitter, WordPress, and WhatsApp. It operates in a loop, checking for unique quotes and storing details in a database. The bot handles errors and its functionality depends on the provided configuration and external services. prod-v2.2.9 First produciton release.
acaloiaro acaloiaro / di-tui Go A simple terminal UI player for 1.10.0 ## Changelog * 6caaf7a Bump version in default.nix * 36c412a feat: Support the whole audio addict network
cjayride cjayride / RecycleItemsIntoParts C# Fork of aedenthorn/DiscardInventoryItem for v0.217.46+ Recycle items into lesser parts. Drag and press [Delete]. Option to not give back Coins, Magic Parts (EpicLoot), Magic Shards (EpicLoot). Option to block recycling of Consumables and Trophies. v1.6.0 # v1.6.0 - Removed terminal reload - Added compatibility for v0.217.46
voznik voiceapiai / ralertsinua Rust TUI (terminal user interface) for Air Raid Alert Map of Ukraine ( v0.3.0 The recent updates across the ralertsinua suite enhance modularity and improve integration between components. Key changes include the introduction of new modules for handling geographic data and HTTP
github-actions[bot] dirdidan / uYouEnhanced Logos uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.17.2-3.0.3-(1)
QFSW QFSW / PengEngine C++ Peng Engine is a custom game engine built with C++23 and OpenGL 4.3+ V0.1 Initial release with automated builds
Neels99 frstrtr / c2pool C++ C2pool: a C++ decentralized, DoS-resistant, Hop-Proof pool. Looking for testers... v0.6.2
NullByte3 NullByte3 / CipherKey Go Key-logger made using Golang, with a bunch of cool features. 1.0-meta Works well!
Mr-Bossman Mr-Bossman / nginxcraft-nginx-module C nginxcraft - Nginx module to Proxy Minecraft servers Rev1.0 nginxcraft shared objects for Nginx 1.26.0 and 1.25.5
Ayx03 Ayx03 / MuMu no-lang MuMu模拟器 MuMu Android Simulator MuMuInstaller_1.2.0.6_x64-2.5.16_zh-Hans_1624609457.exe 名称: MuMuInstaller_1.2.0.6_x64-2.5.16_zh-Hans_1624609457.exe 大小: 685196168 字节 (653 MiB) CRC32: B4D9540F CRC64: B2803CB89DFEAED8 SHA256: 1b61427a8a00924c1944dc094957294b7bf220677cc877d2a
SealTV SealTV / cielogo Go Cielo API Go client lib. v0.1.0 **Full Changelog**:
Waltuhs Waltuhs / VoteKick C# A scp:sl Exiled plugin that introduces vote kicks into the game. v1.0.0 initial release
imrn99 imrn99 / integraal Rust Integral computation, done in Rust! 0.0.1 # 0.0.1 - Prototype *Integraal* aims to provide generic and efficient tools for [numerical integration][NI] in the Rust Programming Language. [NI]:
github-actions[bot] g969351818 / istoreos-actions Shell 使用 GitHub Actions 云编译 iStore OS 固件 2024.05.06-02.35 💻 架构: rk33xx 📂 源码: 🌳 分支: istoreos-22.03 ⏱️ 编译时间: 2024年05月06日02时35分 🌐 管理地址: 👤 用户名: roo
dogukanttopcuoglu dogukanttopcuoglu / WebScrapping Python Codes for web mining phase1 1.0
xforever1313 xforever1313 / IpfsUploader C# Command line tool to upload files to IPFS via a node's command API. 1.0.0 This is the initial release of IpfsUploader. View the readme for instructions on how to install and how to use.
Mudbill Mudbill / dds-lwjgl Java A simple library for loading DirectDraw Surface (DDS) files for LWJGL. v2.1.1 Fixes an issue where alpha channels were ignored for BC1 (DXT1) formatted DDS files. I **believe** this to be a drop-in replacement for 2.1.0, HOWEVER it was built using Gradle instead of the manua
mateusmeds mateusmeds / meus_dividendos Dart Aplicativo para gerenciar dividendos recebidos e a receber v1.0.0
sindresorhus sindresorhus / to-valid-identifier JavaScript Convert a string to a valid JavaScript identifier v0.1.0 🦄
0x00032 LyraPvP / PocketMine-MP PHP A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP 5.15.1 Removed error messages for non-implemented blocks, this is due to us handling non-implemented blocks with a separate plugin.
Olivier127 Olivier127 / SuluPicturePlaceholderGeneratorBundle PHP Generator of Picture placeholder for sulu v1.0.0
hopperlopip hopperlopip / GameObjectHierarchyTool C# Unity tool that allows you extract GameObject Hierarchy and import it in another assets/level file. v2.0.0 Changes: 1. Tool was renamed from "GameObjectHierarchyTransfer" to "GameObjectHierarchyTool". 2. GridView was changed to TreeView. Now it's not only list of GameObject but f
chan-mai team-shahu / misskey TypeScript shahu.skiで動くmisskeyフォーク 2024.3.1-shahu-ski.1.0.0
josek98 josek98 / pywgraph Python A library to manipulate weighted graphs in python v1.0.0 # GRAPHS ARE HERE!!! This is the release of `pywgraph`, a python library design to implement weighted directed graphs where weights of edges can be elements of an specific mathematical group. With th
github-actions[bot] TundraClimate / DiscordRPCEditor TypeScript Discord RPC Editor beta-v0.0.1 ベータ版です
lambdalisue lambdalisue / ogh TypeScript 🪨 Organize GitHub repositories. Similar to ghq but use gh command internally and options are limited. v0.1.0 **Full Changelog**:
georgepstaylor georgepstaylor / gitmoji-release-action no-lang This action generates releases and has options to automatically create tags and release notes based on gitmoji labels. v0.0.1 <!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main --> ## What's Changed ### Other Changes * 🎉 Add initial workflow for creating releases by @georgepsta
Ayx03 Ayx03 / QtScrcpy Java Android real-time display control software QtScrcpy-mac-x64-v2.0.0.dmg 名称: QtScrcpy-mac-x64-v2.0.0.dmg 大小: 23091706 字节 (22 MiB) CRC32: 1E628FE5 CRC64: E4CE312B587BF65E SHA256: 12bc21e3ba9cad2355da2dec713f6aa56a01064d730dc0e2e046edd3dc86a3aa SHA1: 42a68aa
hkeeler hkeeler / cc-lab Python Experiments with conventional commits 0.1.1 ## What's Changed * ci(lint): add "Pull Request Linter" GitHub Action by @hkeeler in * ci(release): Add commitizen GitHub Action by @hkeeler i
javiermisol javiermisol / Hacks-Zelda_NES no-lang Roms Hacks The Legend of Zelda de NES 1.0.8 Hack Legend of Zelda [reloaded]
Project-Siege Project-Siege / Folder2YTD C# An evolution of Folder2OTD which now directly creates a .YTD file v2.0
Ayx03 Ayx03 / scrcpy C Display and control your Android device 名称: 大小: 26165478 字节 (24 MiB) CRC32: 9AA9BF1F CRC64: 920527B75CF5F62E SHA256: 3f30dc5db1a2f95c2b40a0f5de91ec1642d9f53799250a8c529bc882bc0918f0 SHA1: fd53a0930485
astral3693 astral3693 / skinplayersweb GAP skin players web 2.0 **Full Changelog**:
Mopsik62 Mopsik62 / Circles ShaderLab Copy of Suika Game v0.1.0
sindresorhus sindresorhus / is-identifier JavaScript Check if a string is a valid JavaScript identifier v1.0.0 🦄
Ayx03 Ayx03 / TencentMeeting no-lang 腾讯会议不是开源软件。This is not VooV Meeting. This is not opensource software. TencentMeeting_0300000000_3.20.4.480.publish.officialwebsite.exe 名称: TencentMeeting_0300000000_3.20.4.480.publish.officialwebsite.exe 大小: 206406896 字节 (196 MiB) CRC32: A63A0FB9 CRC64: C4A1AFA5F1488B41 SHA256: 50b8ff760391b464d3ec6482b61e5f018aaedec0
JeGoBE8900 JeGoBE8900 / LMUTools C# Le Mans Ultimate tools v0.0.2 Speed controller added to slowdown or fast forward the replay of the session.
Ayx03 Ayx03 / Python no-lang Python Installers python-3.11.6-amd64.exe 名称: python-3.11.6-amd64.exe 大小: 25962920 字节 (24 MiB) CRC32: 7FA874BF CRC64: DD002CE9DB5DFCA9 SHA256: 8d0fd1c7bab34dd26fb89327cf7b7c2c7dc57c4d2a7bea58eae198aa9dd5b4ef SHA1: f99b563efc4
aj-techsoul aj-techsoul / elicss CSS EliCSS is a CSS Framework ! No JQuery used, Only Vanilla CSS and CSS | CSS GRID used for Layout | also very much compatible with Eli PHP Framework 4.3 Lots of changes and enabled SSE Feature and Live updates and fixed old design issues.
msaf9 msaf9 / git-cheatsheet TeX The GitHub Cheatsheet is a handy reference document that provides quick access to common Git commands and GitHub features. It's a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced users alike, offering shortcuts and tips to streamline your workflow on the platform. v2.0 - Repo with all git commands and information.
debdutdeb debdutdeb / helm-watch Go Watch helm chart templates for changes and render targetted manifests as they occur 0.1.0 ## What's Changed * feat: add linux support by @debdutdeb in * feat: add support for multiple kinds and respective regexps by @debdutdeb in https:
github-actions[bot] viral32111 / darwin-push-port-live-feed Rust Client to receive updates from the National Rail Darwin Push Port Live Feed. 0.1.1 The 2nd release test from the GitHub Actions CI/CD workflow. The 1st test (`0.1.0`) did not succeed and thus this is the first *published* release. This release includes a working STOMP client that
skalahonza skalahonza / TidepoolToNightScoutSync C# This tool helps syncing data from Tidepool to NightScout. Currently only normal bolus and carbs are supported. 0.10.1 - update old dependencies - new project structure - migrate to .NET 8 SDK - modify README - sync BG Values from Tidepool - add tests
github-actions[bot] ohimusoto / uYouEnhanced no-lang uYouEnhanced is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users! v19.17.2-3.0.3-(1)
sindresorhus sindresorhus / identifier-regex JavaScript Regular expression for matching JavaScript identifiers v1.0.0 🦄
Ayx03 Ayx03 / vlc no-lang VLC media player - All pull requests are ignored, please follow vlc-3.0.20-win64.exe 名称: vlc-3.0.20-win64.exe 大小: 44420344 字节 (42 MiB) CRC32: 949F3865 CRC64: FB6A6044DE799358 SHA256: d8055b6643651ca5b9ad58c438692a481483657f3f31624cdfa68b92e8394a57 SHA1: c9520268936bfa
cloppa cloppa / Nitrous4Discord Python Nitrous: Generate Discord Nitro codes efficiently. Fast, secure, and user-friendly. Open-source project for community collaboration. Get valid codes swiftly. v1.0.0
RealHard23 RealHard23 / VTEC_Dynamic Shell v3.0.7 Disabling the limit or treatment related to the property, thus allowing unrestricted rendering of frames in this context. depending on how the underlying system handles such settings. Stop the ther
bforbilly24 bforbilly24 / login-react-frontend-app JavaScript Login Page using data Dummy with Error Handling v1.0.0 # [v1.0.0]( (06-04-2024) ## Identity - Application Name : Login Page with Data Dummy - Application Id : login-react-frontend-a
cristiangu cristiangu / react-native-local-notifications Kotlin Schedule local notifications from React Native on iOS and Android. v0.4.0 # [0.4.0]( (2024-05-05) ### Bug Fixes * a missing NULL check on new arch iOS ([39c7341](
timelyportfolio timelyportfolio / curl R stubbed for experimental non-usage in webr v5.2.1
weissreto weissreto / seltec-taf3-result-export Java Imports a results CSV that was exported from Seltec TAF3 and creates CSV files for each category and discipline order by rang v0.1.0 Initial Release
eerohele clj-commons / clooj Clojure clooj, a lightweight IDE for clojure v0.5.0 ## What's Changed * General clean up by @NoahTheDuke in * Fix or silence all existing clj-kondo errors by @NoahTheDuke in
yeob-yi yeob-yi / NomadVanillaJS JavaScript 노마드코더 바닐라JS로 크롬 앱 만들기 실습 v1.0.0
Sergueille Sergueille / Words C# A mobile game v0.0.1
sindresorhus sindresorhus / reserved-identifiers JavaScript Provides a list of reserved identifiers for JavaScript v1.0.0 🦄
xatornet xatornet / CMCR-DiRT-MTFix PowerShell Colin MCRae DiRT Multithread Fix v0.1 - Paste it near the EXE file and execute it. - Compiled release of the script for Windows. - Very WIP. - Your Feedback is welcome.
Magrid0 Magrid0 / Pesto-Fetch C++ Yet another linux fetch tool 0.1 Execute with `./pestoFetch`
MADWIN11 MADWIN11 / Batch-Tweaker Batchfile Batch - Tweaker, проект создан на batch. BatchTweaker2.0 **Batch Tweaker 2.0!** Батч твикер обновлён до второй версии. Что тут добавлено? - Обновлены твики для системы (добав�
github-actions[bot] wushuo894 / WallpaperVideo Java 小红车播放器 v1.0.3 v1.0.3
WendyH WendyH / TenzoM1CAddin C++ Внешняя компонента 1С Native API для работы с весами Тензо-М напрямую 01.01 Версия 01.01 Всё ещё тестируется. Не все методы реализованы. Не работают методы: ПолучитьДоступныеПорты и Пол�

Project information courtesy of and the GitHub API.